Monday, September 9, 2013

Be Sure to Take Notes! There WILL be a Test! (Assignment #1)

For as long as I can remember, I've always had urges to kill. -- I MEAN, urges to do creative artsy things. (:-P)   Boredom would strike and I'd pull out all my coloring utensils, but I'd just sit there frozen.  I could never think of what to do and when I could, I couldn't trust my own ideas.  ... So I decided to take art classes as my electives.

The first class I took was Design I.  And I was so excited to have someone else give me assignments for me to do!  He would give me the broad idea of the project and it was my job to come up with the specifics.  Suddenly, a switch flipped.  And I was hooked.

Now this wasn't a painting class-- it was a design class.  Nothing fancy, just the basics.  Which was exactly what I needed to start off with.  Here are the first few projects I ever did:

It's actually pretty fun and easy creating images like these with only black and white paint.

So HERE is Assignment #1 for the bored and creative-at-heart:

Create a 18x20 completely symmetrical piece.  Using only black and white. Keep things balanced.  When you're done, you should be able to fold the painting in half and have things exactly the same on either side.  Use my first picture as a reference.

Make sure you draw it all out in pencil first and use a ruler to keep your lines straight!


What you'll need:
 - poster board or foam board
 - black acrylic paint
 - a few different sized acrylic paint brushes
 - scissors
 - a ruler
 - a pencil

I'd love to see what y'all come up with! 

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